Friday, April 30, 2010

The showcase went pretty well. Everyone's stuff looked really good displayed, even some the people's I was worried about looked good. I got some really good feedback on my work and also got two commissions (sort of). Kealton's work really inspired me to learn more about and do more photography. I am super jacked to get some more work done (mostly the comissions and photography.)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm pretty excited for the AP Showcase, I just loaded some smaller pieces in bisque that I will smoke firing next week that I specifically made to sell (or try to at least).

My instruments came out pretty nice, one got another piece stuck to it so that sucks but It won't be that noticeable. I will string them up over the weekend, I hope they make sound.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Here it is finished, I don't think its my best but it turned out okay. The bigger one turned out quite similar.

I started on a bunch of little wall spikes to sell at the showcase, I think next class I am going to make a whole bunch more little things to sell (and possibly use in my portfolio).

Thursday, April 8, 2010

These are the two pieces I am firing at at the moment, the bottom picture is after I fired it TWICE and it is still super light, so I need to fire it again. I haven't fired the top one yet, it barely fits in the kiln.

I got two pieces in the noble hill firing, I wanted one to be on its side and one to be laid flat but due to space constraints they were both fired on their sides. The one that was going to be laid down got wadded upright with a platter wadded to it, I'm pretty bummed and hope it turns out okay. There are very few pots I have seen that I like that having wadding spots on front and I hope my pot isn't completely in shadow of the platter and still gets enough ash. If I don't like how it comes out I can always re-fire it.